In this time of such devastating events on the world front, I am taking comfort in the simple pleasures of life, finding God’s beauty and grace in the ordinary and the daily. With the clocks having been turned back and the cold weather having arrived, I am finding joy and contentment in simple things like snuggling up on the couch with a warm blanket to read a book and allowing my purring kitties to warm my lap.
When the news is too horrific to watch, I find refuge in conversations with a dear friend, watching a deliciously-predictable Lifetime movie, and cherishing every delectable bite of the homemade pumpkin bread my dad sent me from Boston.
Yes, there are horrible things happening in the world. But there is also this beautiful present moment, the refuge of time spent in prayer and meditation, the peace of engaging in more sedentary activities.
God’s goodness can be found—perhaps must be found—in the ordinary…in the daily moments of our every day lives that, when we pause to see them with the fresh eyes of gratitude, become sacred moments of beauty and transcendence.
I invite you, this week, to see if you can find God’s goodness in the ordinary—in a steaming cup of coffee in the morning, a brisk walk among fall leaves, a comforting meal with a loved one. God’s mercy and love and beauty are right there, just waiting to be discovered, if only we have eyes to see. May you discover these simple miracles each day in your own ordinary, sacred, beautiful life.
Autumn Blessings,
Rev. Michelle
