The whirlwind of the Christmas holidays seems to begin earlier each year. While in Cincinnati, even before Halloween had trick-or-treated its way through the October calendar, Christmas music was playing at Michael’s Craft store and Target was setting up their all-things Christmas Supply Corner.
But Thanksgiving has always been the true harbinger of Christmas. Contrary to the commercial form of Advent Calendars that countdown the 24 days of December leading to Christmas – the liturgical Advent Calendar always begins the Sunday after Thanksgiving (which usually falls in November).
The commercial holiday countdown too often makes Advent about shopping days left, holiday parties, family dynamics, expectations, and obligations – often causing enough stress, anxiety, and drama to make us wish we could just be done with it all for another year.
But if we are so inclined, the liturgical Advent can serve as a holy-day beacon, a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas, and a spiritual practice that helps us prepare our hearts and minds for this season of transformation and rebirth.
So join us this Sunday as we explore the spiritual gifts of Advent …and the possibility to participate in the in-breaking of God’s realm, as we recognize, welcome, and touch the most vulnerable within and among us – the space where Christ dwells – waiting to be born again into the world.
And then partake in holy communion – which embodies the Truth of our oneness and our commitment to co-creating sacred community – followed up by our potluck Thanksgiving Feast! Hope to see you there!
Rev. Vicky
