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Rev. Vicky's Message June 29, 2023

Twenty-five years ago, our family pulled into the driveway of our new home in Las Palmas, Salinas – having driven across the country from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, towing our camper trailer. Travis was 10, Kyle was 9, and Bri was a senior at the University of San Francisco. We had purchased this home, sight-unseen, with the assistance and advice of Kay Maggenheim and Larry Daniels (both members of UMB). We opened the front door to find a picnic basket filled with a delicious dinner (including plates and utensils) which we ate sitting on the living room floor; and then brought in our sleeping bags and slept on the floor. Our moving van arrived the next day (Saturday) – and Rory and I gave our first service, as the new ministers, on Sunday. It was a precursor of what was to come – co-creating a community of love and growth through all the changes and challenges we faced collectively and individually. Looking back, I know that my call to ministry has been, and continues to be truly fulfilled here at Unity of Monterey Bay. While we haven’t grown in numbers, we have surely grown in spiritual depth and authenticity. While it didn’t turn out as I imagined it would – I know it has all been in divine order. I have been changed at depth through this spiritual journey with all of you – and I am truly blessed and eternally grateful for the ride.

Blessings, Rev. Vicky


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