It’s actually December! And I’m feeling the pull between succumbing to the season’s activity overload (that started two weeks ago!) full of decorating, gift-shopping, planning, parties, and outer preparations – and choosing the alternate call of Advent where I make room for reflection, appreciation, anticipation, wonder, and inner preparation.
It’s the same every year, choosing where to focus my attention during this magical, mystical season that becomes whatever I choose. It can be filled with ghosts from Christmases past, triggering a nostalgia that drives me to find comfort in busy distractions…
Or I can purposefully, intentionally, embrace the potential miracle of the season – by surrendering into the darkness – and the transforming power of God’s Love being born again in you and me.
The good news is – as shared by James Finley of the Center for Action and Contemplation – no matter what we choose, no matter whether there is room in the inn or not…”God comes anyway… God is being born into our lives, our hearts, moment by moment, breath by breath… And all we have to do is say Yes!
Namasté - Rev. Vicky
