This Sunday is our annual Calling of the Circle meeting immediately following the service. Once a year we convene the entire congregation to vote on any pending matters, approve the current year’s proposed budget, and vote for/confirm new Leadership Council members. Before voting, we will hear briefly from each of our prospective new Leadership Council members. Then, as you have seen in past e-blasts and can read more about below, we will be voting to approve a very small change to our by-laws. Not a huge matter, but your attendance and vote are appreciated!
Next, we move on to our State of the Church report where we will go over the repairs and improvements that were made to the church in the past year, as well as plans for future improvements. Then, there will be time for community feedback, where you will be invited to share your ideas, questions, or concerns. Is there a class you wish we would teach this year? Or an activity you would like to see happen? Beware, however, that if you suggest something, you may be asked to participate or even head up the event or activity yourself! After all, UMB is a small (but mighty!) community and we need everyone’s involvement to bring new ideas to fruition!
We will go over the financial report and proposed budget, followed by team reports, during which the captain of each ministry team will briefly cover what’s happening with their team and what needs they have for volunteers. This is an opportunity for you to see if you are feeling called to join any of our ministry teams. Perhaps you’d like to set up the refreshments or try out being an usher? Or train to run the PowerPoint or the Livestream during the service? There are many ways for you to step into Sacred Service in our community and we greatly value and depend on the participation of each and every one of you!
There will also be some time for “house meetings,” a practice we have learned and adopted from our involvement in COPA where we break out into small groups in order to be able to share on a more intimate level. This year we will be asking you how things are going for you currently and if there are specific issues or challenges you are facing or are concerned about that you would like to bring to the attention of the congregation and UMB leadership.
I hope this gives you a better sense of what to expect at our Calling of the Circle meeting this Sunday and we hope you will make an extra effort to attend. In keeping with the theme and to get us all thinking about the future and long-term sustainability of our UMB community, my Sunday lesson this week will explore current trends in churches across our country. What are churches doing that is working? What is your own highest and best vision for the future of our own church? What innovative ideas for ministry might we come up with together as we look toward the future? See you then!
Many Blessings,
Rev. Michelle
