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Rev. Michelle's Message July 14, 2022

It’s an exciting week at UMB because the new carpet is going in! Vicky and I were there Monday afternoon working on the new internet/phone system when they came in and lay the first rolls of carpet, so I snapped a photograph for posterity (scroll down). It’s a big change from the red carpet that had been there for decades, but I think everyone is really going to like it. It looks clean and nice and new, it’s high traffic/commercial quality and stain resistant, and the best thing is it won’t cause allergies and other health problems like the old moldy carpet was doing.

We are so very fortunate to own our beautiful church building and being an older structure, it’s so important that we take care of it. Over the past year, we have made a number of improvements including new double-pane windows, repairing and beautifying some of the doors, pulling out the old carpet in the front office area, and cleaning out the shed and storeroom downstairs. Many of these were in response to an air quality evaluation that was done and the improvements should make a real difference, especially for folks who are sensitive to mold, dust, etc.

You have a wonderful opportunity to contribute toward the improvement and beautification of our church by making a generous donation to our Carpet Campaign. You can “sponsor” a square yard of carpet for $60 or make a donation in any amount you like. The church will match that donation until the carpet is paid for (for more specifics, see below in the announcements). Please know that your love offering of any amount is an important investment in the sustainability of our church building, so that we can continue to enjoy its beautiful sanctuary and the wonderful energy it contains for many years to come. On behalf of Vicky and myself and the Leadership Council, we thank you for your generous contribution!

A special shout-out to Larry Sanks, Jonathan Coolidge, Levi Sanks, Paco Vargas, and John Dundon for their hard work moving the pews and pulling out the old carpet and pads to save us money and make the sanctuary ready for the new carpet to be installed. You are appreciated!

Many Blessings,

Rev. Michelle


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